PNN Shipping Lines Pte LTD is a coastal based liner company, engaged in providing liner services across Inland, Coastal and International maritime networks. Our wide and diverse range of fleet and service networks extends to more than 10 Countries, facilitating economic and trade developments between growing economies within Asia.
Founded in 2015 and headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh, PNN is a privately owned limited company. Starting with only a few vessels within Inland routes, PNN has evolved to provide world class service across every major Asian network.
PNN delivers goods and services to and from local industries and international markets. With access to a cross-geographic network that stretches from Inland, through to Coastal and then to International maritime routes to establish a seamless shipping service for Industrial needs, PNN prides itself on delivering top of the line Bulk Shipping Service. This peerless Bulk Shipping Service through the years accelerated and eased the thrive of growing Asian Economies.
PNN over the years has diversified its activities to include cross-geographic shipping, to grow it’s portfolio of fleet and port terminal investments. Today, our focus remains true to our resolve: facilitating the growth of local industries and growing economies through Service Innovation.

“Our vision exceeds boundaries, goes beyond, survives limitations. Our resolve aspires an industrial disruption to resurface excellence, excellence that has long been describing our Shipping Heritage long ago. Bengal as a nation has survived downtroddens, turmoils and atrocities and yet managed to be in the top flight of economic boomers. We truly are ingrained with hope and faith and thus leading ourselves to unparallel, unprecedented prosperity.
My Vision for PNN Shipping exceeds national boundaries to achieve world class excellence. For that we have resorted to innovation. We also resort to Ethics and Integrity for prosperity. Since we brought ourselves together forming a team to call ourselves PNN Shipping Lines, we went through a plethora of challenges, struggles while being firm to our commitments, resolve and to the PNN Vision.
The PNN Vision is to integrate innovation that forms a seamless maritime network between Inland and Coastal Routes, so seamless that the networks can be seen as one. ONE NETWORK, connect to global maritime routes to avail ease of access to global markets and industries.
The Coastal and Inland Maritime Network is crucial to the momentum of Bangladesh’s economic growth. Our key industries supporting the infrastructural development of the whole nation are heavily dependent on Maritime Shipments and on industrial raw materials from South and South East Asian Countries. A seamless network to connect the two is indispensable. We are constantly working together, with regulators, stakeholders, international governing bodies, clients and customers.
Together we achieve, together we grow, and together we GO BEYOND. ”

Innovation is at the core of our origin. Since founding, PNN ventured in finding newer ways of delivering values to facilitate the growth of economies and local industries by means of a seamless service network conducive to Industrial Shipping.
“To Facilitate the growth of Local Industries and Growing Economies through Service INNOVATION”
Versatility and Diversity
The PNN Fleet is diverse for a versatile shipping capacity. Versatility and Diversity: both are ingrained within our Business Proposition, to deliver a service unmatched to any, to deliver a service apt for Industrial and Economic Revolution; and that is how we connect inland, coastal and international maritime routes: for fostering local and global economic growth
Core Values
Corporate Culture of Compliance
PNN’s Code of Conduct encompasses every of our employees’ and officials’ everyday behaviours, method of work, ethical standpoints and approaches towards clients, partners, stakeholders as well as co-workers.
This Code of Conduct is backed by other Documents and Policies including “Anti-Corruption Code” and “Policies for Conflict of Interests and Lobbying”. Since PNN founding, the organization collectively is working for a future where particularly the Inland as well as other maritime industries are free of corruption. The Company possesses a specialised legal team equipped to deal with business ethics and integrity issues, economic sanctions, competition law and personal data protection.
The company is committed to promote ethical business practices by ensuring employees and officials are acting with responsibility and also with integrity in all their business dealings and activities. PNN fully supports the Ten Principles of The United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.